Monday, July 7, 2008

Why do people have different belief systems?What are some of the different belief systems held in differents countries?

Nowadays we live in a community that held many belief systems. For this reason we may have close friends that may believe in a different religion.This is an opportunity to learn and understand the differents rituals and customs.We also should learn to respect the diversity of religious freedom and to have tolerance with others belief.

People may have differents belief or religion because many aspects. One of the principles reason is because people is raised like their parents so the religion is passed generation to generation but as we live in a freedom world we are able to decide if continue with the families religion or change to a different one.We even have the fredom to believe in what we want, if there is not a religion for our belief we can make our own belief system.

The religion of differents countries can vary because every person has the freedom to choose other faiths to practice.The culture, society and family influence can change depending the area at which people live. We can also proof how does a religion is affected by culture, history, or geographical position. Religion has been affected by history in many ways and we can see this when we see at Christianity.It is a religion that caused many differents belief systems because Christianity denies the existence of modern prophets. Therefore, they are left to interpret the Bible on their own. So, people can look at the same passages of scripture and get very different meanings out of it. Without prophets, God can't tell the appropriate people they have misunderstood what was written. So, we get different groups of people can keep coming up with different interpretations of the Bible thus creating many different versions of Christianity and belief systems.

The differents belief systems or religions in close countries or communities may cause a lot of discussions and problems.There are many people who dont accept others belief and the differents kinds of faith causing confrontations between geographical areas. Most of these problems are caused because most religions wants leadership by increasing their number of followers.If there exist people with differents ideology this mean less people to follow a religion.

These are some examples of differents belief systems or religion in differents areas:

Middle Eastern Religions:


-Roman Catholicism
-Eastern Orthodox Church
3.- Judaism
4.- Zoroastrianism

Far Eastern Religions:

1. Confucianism
2. Taoism

3. Shinto
4. Mahayana Buddhism

Indian Religions:

1. Hinduism

2. Sikhism

3. Jainism

4. Theravada Buddhism

African Religions:

Tribal Religions of Sub-Saharan Africa American Religions:

Religions of Indigenous American Indians

Oceanic Religions:

1. The religions of the Pacific Islanders

2. The beliefs of the Aborigines of Australia

3. The beliefs of the Maoris of New Zealand

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